Private Meditation/Yoga 1:1 60 Min., 60 Min

Private Meditation/Yoga 1:1 60 Min., 60 Min

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For customised personal training in the
personalised yoga/meditation training with experienced
yoga trainers are at your disposal. They will accompany you
and can cater to your personal needs - in our yoga studio
personal needs - in our yoga studio, our meditation dome
or outdoors in a calming forest setting.

Please inform us in advance so that we can cater to your
needs in the best possible way and plan the yoga or
meditation session individually for you.
For customised personal training in the
personalised yoga/meditation training with experienced
yoga trainers are at your disposal. They will accompany you
and can cater to your personal needs - in our yoga studio
personal needs - in our yoga studio, our meditation dome
or outdoors in a calming forest setting.

Please inform us in advance so that we can cater to your
needs in the best possible way and plan the yoga or
meditation session individually for you.
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